to Blakes Inner World shown through photography and story.
Welcome to my website! Here, you will find a striking collection of unique digital downloadable pictures that showcase parts of my life journey. I confidently share personal stories and insights to inspire you to embrace own path. Thank you for visiting—I'm sure you'll discover something that resonates with you!
The Power of Good Advice
My name is Derek Blake Potter
I’m just like anyone else, trying to make my way and find meaning in what I do. My journey with photography started back in 2017. At that time, I was stationed in Hawaii, and I noticed my friends getting into photography. It sparked my interest, so I decided to give it a try. What started as a casual hobby soon turned into a growing passion. Over the years, I’ve accumulated a vast collection of photos, many of which are stored on my computer, waiting for a chance to be shared. Now, I’m ready to take that step and showcase these moments to the world.